Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Restoring the temple

I want to journal my thoughts and struggles. I have tried different avenues to help keep me accountable to I thought why not blog it?!

I have struggled with my weight for 1/2 my life. I have done this both publicly and privately. I have bounced up and down like a yo-yo.

In January 2009, God spoke to me through a Sunday School lesson that I was teaching, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "did you not know your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, you are not your own, you were bought with a price, so honor God with your body" Seriously?!?! I have to tell these sweet children to honor God in all things. Ok so drugs and purity, I can handle, I had struggles in those areas, but God has delivered me from those evils....but FOOD? Seriously? Can you say hypocrite? I cannot in good conscience tell them they should eat healthy, in moderation and do physical activity knowing I had done none of that!

So I began to pray, helpless and broken. Dear God, show me your way! Show me what you want me to do! I have tried on my own and it is just not in me. I need your direction!

So I prayed and prayed...and He kept leading me to gastric bypass? Hello God? Are you there? I want to honor you...gastric bypass is the easy way out! Please tell me your direction for my health and weight! Gastric Bypass kept coming I decided to put God to the test (technically it was more to strengthen my faith, not God having to prove anything to I prayed!
"Dear God, I am broken and ashamed, I cannot do this on my own, I've tried! Please show me clearly what your will is! If it is truly Gastric Bypass then you need to handle the 3 issues that keep me from saying yes! 1. You have to get my husband on board! He is very against the surgery and does not feel it is what I need. 2. You need to find a way for me to pay for it. I refuse to use money that would come out of my family budget...I do not what my children to do without because I am too fat! 3. I need to hear and audible
Voice that says that this is Your will for my life" not too much right!!?!

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